Re: core symlinks

Jules van Weerden (
Fri, 26 Aug 1994 09:30:41 +0200

Hi, (Greg Woods) wrote:
> I think it is too, and here's at least one legitimate use of core symlinks.
> We've had problems in the past with core dumps from our 32 Meg machines
> that come from daemon processes filling up the root file system, so we
> solved that problem by making /core a symlink to /dev/null.

That can be solved to by creating a read-only file named core in the
directory where you need them.
A mail left a core file in /var/spool/mail and I made the next setup:
-r--r--r--  2 root            0 May 11  1992 core  
-r--r--r--  2 root            0 May 11  1992 _let_it_be

It works.

Regards,			Jules van Weerden
				CIM Faculty of Arts 
				Utrecht University NL